July 26, 2012


Hi Everyone,

Before I left, I applied a folilar calcium spray to my pumpkin leaves, buried vines, and applied more compost.  I am looking forward seeing my family again, but also interested how the patch will look.  I imagine I will have a lot of tertiary vines to trim and secondary’s to cut and bury.  I had narrowed down my pumpkin selection before I left and it will be fun to see how big they are when I return.

While away, I worked on the pumpkin tracking application.  The application will record your measurements in the field and instantly provide you with the estimated weight if you provide the circumference, top to bottom, and side to side, measurements.  I am hoping to get at least 100 growers using the application.  If you know of any pumpkin growers, please provide them this link http://reporting.giantstogrow.com/ and suggest that they use this application to track the growth of their pumpkins.

I’ll be posting pictures of my pumpkins this weekend so all can see.


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